Conference Exhibitor Opportunities
One area every conference attendee looks forward to at the Annual PAEE Conferences is the Exhibitors Area, from nature-related art and educational materials to showcasing some of the fabulous EE programs from across the state. We are excited about new opportunities for attendees, presenters, and exhibitors.
The theme of this year’s conference – Waves of Connection – celebrates what makes PAEE so special: our collective ability as passionate environmental educators to drive change through resilience, diversity, engagement, and connections. We encourage presentations that incorporate experiences and activities from community events, school programs, advocacy work, staff training, and more.

We are excited to host the 2024 Conference in person and look forward to welcoming vendors and exhibitors from across the state to showcase their work and talent. We offer two types of exhibitor categories: For Profit ($125) and Non-Profit/Artisan ($50). Additional fees apply if you require electricity ($25) or plan to join us for meals ($100).
We ask that all exhibitors be present at their tables during the designated exhibit hall times. Specific times will be shared once session schedules are finalized.
You can register and pay online or download the form to pay by check. After completing your registration, a member of the conference committee will contact you with further details.